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Named one of Bank Street’s Best Children’s Books for 2013! 

  Book Clubsshapeimage_15_link_0

Marsha Hayles will speak for free with any book club that has read her novel Breathing Room. This will be an informal conversation between author and readers, lasting between 20-40 minutes. 
Why free?
“I have belonged to book groups myself for over twenty years. I like talking about books with other avid readers. So it makes sense that I would enjoy meeting and talking with young people who have read my book and are eager to discuss the story or ask me more questions. The reward for me comes from hearing what my readers have to say.”—Marsha Hayles

Marsha Hayles does ask that the following conditions be respected:

All the students must have read Breathing Room.
No more than 30 students, no fewer than five, can take part in a session with only one session per visit.

For book groups within a half hour of Rochester, NY:  
Marsha Hayles will drive to the school or library to meet with the students in person. (An adult advisor must also be present.)  
The author will be happy to autograph books at the end of the discussion.

For book groups outside of Rochester, NY:

Marsha Hayles will work with a book group advisor, teacher, librarian, or principal to arrange a Skype visit. A test run to check on the technology is required in advance of the Skype visit. 
This offer does not apply to speaking to large groups of students about reading or writing in general. (Visit Author Presentations to learn more about those programs.) 

The author encourages students and advisors to explore her web site, especially the materials on Breathing Room, before the visit, as well as those included in the actual book.

 Book Clubs
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